Monday, March 10, 2014

Sylvia getting Temporal Artery Biopsy

Sylvia must get a temporal artery biopsy tomorrow.  She has had some symptoms that indicate this be done as a precautionary measure.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Brother Jerry's Facelift Surgery

Wednesday the March 5th brother Jerry had surgery to reduce the size of his eyelids.  He had lost a considerable percentage of vision, including some peripheral vision, causing his doctor to recommend the surgery.  He is doing fine, the surgery went the right way and he is on the mend.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Talked with Carol Today

  • LeAnn was expecting a chemo regimen to start this week but a mass has been detected on her lungs.  It is not you known what it is and she will likely not know until next week, the week of March 3, 2014.
  • Kim has had a set-back with diagnosed MS.  About 2 weeks ago she suffered numbness and is now taking medication.  She is with a new MS doctor with whom she has confidence.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Alberta Straw in serious condition

 Aunt Alice also informed me Alberta is in very serious condition.  Has a tracheotomy, has not eaten food in weeks (lives on intravenous feeding) and is still in St. Vincents Hospital in Indianapolis.

Uncle John Died

Aunt Alice called this morning - Uncle John died at 8:30 last night - Thursday, November 15, 2012.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

From Aunt Alice

Learned from aunt Alice, about a week ago:
  • Alberta Straw had by that time been in St. Vincents hospital (I think Indianapolis) for about 4 weeks.  Her body was holding a great deal of water - required dialysis.  She is struggling to live.
  • Aunt Alice's daughter Cathy had a stroke while driving about a month ago - drove off the road as she could not see but stopped the car without damage.  The stroke has left her with vertigo.  She is back to work at the Monterey bank.  Still suffers from vertigo and is extremely tired daily.

Aunt Polly Called

Learned 11-6-2012 that Uncle John is in a residential hospice care facility in New Port Richy.  Doctors have given him a month or less to live.

Uncle John has been struggling since late September - was in a hospital than rehab center in Tarpon Springs for 19 days - shortly after getting out of the Tarpon Springs hospital he was admitted to one in New Port Richey, the was in their rehab center.  His condition continued to deteriorate to the point hospice care is needed.